Saturday, January 12, 2013

AAAhhhhh! #TripPlanning with #Toddlers

Anyone else have this problem? We have just found out the official date for my BIL's wedding. Yay! So excited!! The problem? The wedding is in California and we are in West Virginia. 5 hours. In a plane. With a toddler. Actually, after driving 9 hours (which inevitably turns into 10 because around hour 6 Fuss decides to potty every 20 minutes) to my Dad's, a 5-hour flight shouldn't really be all that bad. My dilemma there? The car seat. I have a rather bulky seat, but it is an awesome seat for the price and goes up really high in weight limits. The issue is that it might be too wide at the base to fit in the airplane seat correctly. The average seat width is somewhere around 17.2" (Source) and my seat is 20.8" wide. I asked on a Facebook group what the solution would be and the answer was to lift the arm rests. Okay, I can manage that. What about the weight of the seat carrying it through the airport? (It weighs about 15 pounds.) Well, I can cart it. My other option would be getting a new, but cheap, car seat for the trip. Bonus: That second seat would end up going to my MIL for use when she baby sits Fuss. The second seat is only about 1" less wide, but is 4 pounds lighter!

Secondly, we have to consider entertainment for Fuss. She gets bored easily and when she gets bored she, well, fusses. She will either scream or fight or wander. (Insert reason #1253 for taking car seat here.) On the other hand, it is only 5 hours. I don't want to be "those" people with the screaming kid, but I don't want to have to lug around more than necessary. She HAS to be harnessed according to FAA regulations. So, I can probably take some crayons and some snacks, but what else would you take on a plane ride for a 3-year-old?

Once I get all the planning sorted out in my head, I will be a LOT less stressed about this. Of course, I don't have just 1 trip to plan. Hubby and I also have to plan a trip for my baby sister's graduation! These events will be just a couple weeks apart, so that should be interesting.

Have you traveled with your kids? What did you do to entertain them?

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