Monday, September 30, 2013

#Preterm Contractions

That's right.

Last night I had an hour and a half of lying in bed, drinking water, timing contractions that were about 5 minutes apart. I should have gone to Labor & Delivery, however, I had just gotten Fuss to bed and refused to go if I didn't have to. I drank at least 20 ounces of water, maybe even 32 in that time. I also started watching one of my favorite shows, "Haven."

I called the doctor's office this morning and they told me (surprise, surprise) if the contractions come back AT ALL with regularity to go directly to L&D. I am currently 30 weeks. Little Boy needs to to bake at least 6 more weeks and be equal with his sister. So, today, I managed to get a few groceries after I finished my transcriptions. I walked slowly and didn't lift anything heavy. I have had about 4 or 5 contractions all day, so I have been resting as much as possible. Dishes and laundry can wait. Shopping for Fuss's new jeans is going to have to wait as well.

I have 67 days left of this pregnancy. I don't want to spend ANY of it stuck in bed! So, I need to slow down. I pushed too hard Saturday while trying to deep clean my kitchen - scrubbed the stove, swept the floors, tried to mop, and ended up in tears from my pelvis hurting - and I paid for it on Sunday night. Guess I just have to accept that I am not Superwoman as much as I want to be.

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