Saturday, March 17, 2012

It's Official

Fuss is potty trained! This is day 7 and all week she's only had about 1 accident a day. Yesterday, she had a poop accident because she's not quite gotten the concept of pooping in the potty. However, she had already had one accident-free day and is doing great! Even when we go out, she's trying to go in the public restrooms. I am so proud of my baby girl!

I have to laugh, though, because she doesn't want to wear a diaper to bed. My way around that is to tell her she's wearing a "cover in case of accidents" (and sticking inserts in the cover) instead of a "diaper". This is one of those pick your battles moments. Is it worth the huge kicking and screaming battle where she often kicks me in the nose or is it better to let her believe she's in undies only and get her peacefully to bed? Honestly, I'd pick peacefully to bed since we're still having issues with her wanting me to lay with her. Gotta do what you've gotta do.

I already put all of her pocket diapers away for next time; and I hope to be able to put everything except undies away in the near future. It is still a little sad. I finally found a nighttime diaper that she won't leak out of and then she potty trains! LOL. (I am still going to post a review of this diaper as well.)

I want to send out a special thanks to Kay @My Precious Kid for posting this article on her site. It came at just the right time for us and has worked wonderfully!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Fuss! I would love for Wolf Prince to be potty trained, but he just isn't ready yet.
